Monday, January 31, 2005


Heee's Back...Posted by Hello

Well T.O. practiced and WCAU claims that he was going full speed, which is hard to believe. You have to walk before you run, as it were. It's hard not to believe it's going to be a tough game for the Eagles, but it should still be competitive. Watch out for Greg Lewis, people, he's going to shock the world. Okay, peace out.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sunset in Baghdad Posted by Hello

Update Redux

Okay well I have done some stuff,thatt last post made it seem like I've been sitting around with one hand in my pants and the other in a bag of Chips. I did lose 10 pounds, and I did get to 2 Browns games. I actually spent a fair amount of time in the fair city of Cleveland. I've also been quite entertained by the battle for publicity following the Tsunami disaster. If the people looking for publicity spent less time looking for cameras and more time looking to help, the countries in need would sure be recovering more quickly. That's pretty much directed at the UN since they're spending an inordinate amount of time holding press conferences.
I'll end the redux with this quote: "The UN is a place where Nations who supress free speech demand to be heard"

Good night, folks.


I haven't really done much since October, well that depends on how you look at it. I have gotten rejected from 2 jobs. One for being overqualified, One for being underqualified. There's nothing more ridiculous to an unemployed person than hearing that you're overqualified for a job. Oh well. Once I get back to a regular schedule, maybe I'll get into the swing of this wacky blog thing. Maybe I'll even throw in some colorful language. Not that you care. I guess the only way to make a name for yourself is to pick a fight with someone else's blog, call them something silly and then off you go. I should have jumped on the Blogs for Bush bandwagon when they were still paying people off. Oh Well.